Boyd’s Environmental, Social, and Governance Responsibility
Boyd recognizes our role as a global and local citizen and takes our commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to heart. Boyd’s Culture of Respect and Ethics is long-standing and integral to our character. We continue to broaden our ESG efforts to reflect the global and local impact we have in our surrounding communities because we believe our responsibility extends beyond compliance to better governance, environmental, and social practices. We strive to increase our business practice transparency, preserve our reputation as a great partner, and promote environmental and social consciousness and awareness. We are committed to more comprehensive practices that will help us prevent misconduct that could cause any damage.

Environmental Responsibility
We realize we have a significant impact on the environment as a global organization. As such, it is our responsibility to define and enact practices and processes that reduce negative effects in our shared home.

Social Responsibility
Each Boyd employee and everyone we engage with is endowed with undeniable rights and our social policies reflect the highest respect we have for each individual. From the essential health and safety of each person to fair labor standards, embracing diversity and overall inclusion, Boyd is dedicated to a positive work environment.

Governance Responsibility
Boyd’s Governance practices endeavor to not only adhere to laws and regulations, but also to fair and ethical business practices. This includes compliance with general business practice legal requirements, data protection, finance, and accounting. We act transparently, manage risks, and prevent bribery and corruption from an individual to corporate level.
Environmental Responsibility and Sustainability at Boyd
We are stewards for the environment and take the responsibility to drive sustainability across our footprint seriously. The health of the communities where we operate and the planet are not only important for the well-being of society, but also our employees and business. We consciously and deliberately plan and implement environmental policy initiatives that reduce our environmental footprint, climate impact, and waste production. We implement renewable energy sources where possible, adopt more energy efficient machinery, update air and water systems, minimize the waste we create, lower our energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions, and consider full product life cycle from design to introduce more sustainability into all of our processes and technologies. We work to implement circular economy principles that minimize our environmental impact and conserve resources.
We Commit to:
- Optimize Boyd operations with a focus on the environment to prevent pollution at its source while conserving natural resources. Use renewable energy sources and reduce our overall energy usage.
- Minimize the waste we create by recycling, efficiently using natural resources, and innovating our processes to maximize raw material utilization.
- Be thoughtful of our products’ full lifecycle from early-stage design to end-of-life, contemplate full environmental impacts of the materials we choose to use.
- Prepare for emergencies with response plans to minimize any potential environmental impacts from operational issues.
- Comply with global environmental laws, rules, regulations, and other obligations, including without limitation: RoHS, REACH, Conflict Minerals, The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65), etc.
- Raise environmental awareness and promote participation in environmental management programs across third party collaborators like suppliers, business partners, and contractors.
- Drive continuous improvement through training, detailed policies, and recognizing excellence.
- Measure program effectiveness and environmental performance with objectives that are regularly inspected with frequent executive review.
Learn more about our manufacturing commitment to environmental management systems and ISO 14001.
Boyd’s Social Responsibility and Culture of Respect
Boyd’s Culture of Respect starts with our respect towards one another each day. Respecting human rights, practicing fair labor standards, and implementing safe and healthy business practices are not only the ethical and right thing to do, but they’re signs of a company that’s built to last. Harassment and intolerance for differences have no place at Boyd. We strive to cultivate a positive work environment where individuals can flourish and offer their best work, in turn offering the best possible products and services to our customers. Our positive work environment not only applies within our organization, but to each individual we encounter, including third party suppliers and partners. We expect each individual we engage with to adhere to the same ethical standards.
Diversity, Inclusion, and Anti-Harassment at Boyd: A Respectful and Positive Work Environment for Everyone
Diversity enhances our culture, helps us serve clients well, and maximizes return for shareholders. Each person should feel valued for their differences and contributions. Offering equal opportunity to people with dissimilar talents builds a robust team of experts to gain insight, find faster and more effective solutions to challenging problems, and innovate at a higher level. Diversity enables us to provide more value to those around us.
Harassment, discrimination, and retaliation erodes and permanently damages our culture and positive work environment – and is strictly not tolerated. Workplace harassment has no place in our business including but not limited to discriminatory harassment based on individual characteristics protected by law, bullying with physical or emotional harm, or sexual harassment. We take all workplace misconduct reports seriously and encourage and support anyone to come forward and report behavior that does not comply with our policies and Culture of Respect. Reports are investigated promptly and thoroughly to determine and implement corrective actions and conflict resolution.
We make deliberate efforts to respect each other, accept one another, and leverage each persons’ unique talents to create value in a positive manner.
Human Rights and Fair Treatment: A Fundamental Value of our Beliefs
We’re committed to equality, nondiscrimination, and treating all individuals with respect and dignity. This applies equally and universally in all locations around the world, regardless of local legal framework.
Boyd adheres to the fair treatment of humans as outlined by:
- United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
- Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP)
- International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking: Vigilant Awareness to Prevent and Protect
Modern slavery can take various forms including human trafficking, slavery, servitude, and forced and compulsory labor. Boyd does not tolerate modern slavery in any form and strives to fully comply with all applicable labor and employment laws, rules, and regulations. We implement systems and controls within our business and supply chain to mitigate the risk of modern slavery across our operations and this applies to all persons working for Boyd or on our behalf in any capacity.
We adhere to regulatory and ethical requirements in the regions in which we conduct business. We continuously monitor, evaluate, and prevent any risk or exposure to modern slavery in our business.
Ethics and Compliance: The Foundation of our Code of Conduct
We hold ourselves and those that act on our behalf to high standards, uncompromising ethics, and compliance with all applicable laws in our global and local communities.
We have respect for other companies and engage and welcome fair competition. We commit to compete for business solely on the merit of our products and services. We are firm supporters of and comply with all antibribery laws and under no circumstances will we offer or accept bribes or improper payments.
We have respect for the law and fully comply with all laws, rules, and regulations in locations where we do business including all trade laws, embargoes, and economic sanctions. We handle data security, privacy, and personal information with the utmost care to keep sensitive data confidential and secure.
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