ESG Success Story: Reducing Hazardous Waste Disposal
Boyd’s Monroe facility is compliant with hazardous waste recycling regulations recently established by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) to promote safe and environmentally responsible reuse and reclamation of valuable materials. We estimate recent reclamation improvements to reduce hazardous waste disposal by 76%.
Reducing Hazardous Waste Disposal in 2023
Implementing this recycling process reduced Boyd Monroe’s MEK disposal from 8460 lbs in 2022 to 2074 lbs in 2023, enabling the facility to transition from a large waste producer to a small waste producer, as per the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) guidelines.

Boyd’s Commitment to Environmental Responsibility and Sustainability
Boyd is committed to environmental responsibility and sustainability. Not only do we focus on reducing waste generation, but we drive continuous improvements in innovating waste management technologies to reduce potential health and environmental impacts. We strive to inspire other organizations in the industry to adopt similar practices contributing to a more sustainable future.
Learn more about Boyd’s Environmental Responsibility and our commitment to Sustainability.